
Research Team: Prof. S. M. Radicella,
L. Ciraolo
C. Onime
K. Alazo-Cuartas
Y. O. Migoya-Orue,

FAIR Project:L. Sitz,
R. Quick,
H. Shanahan


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  1. Select STATION from drop-down list
    Hint: Quick select by typing first letter of Station name

  2. Wait for browser to load Processed Years
    and enable From entry field

  3. Click From Entry field and select starting date
    disabled day(s) have no data available

  4. Click To Entry field and select end date
    disabled day(s) have no data available

  5. Optional: select between 0.5, 1, 5, 15 & 60 minutes interval
    Default of 5 minutes is usually fine

  6. Finally, Click on "Obtain Plot and Data Files " OR "Obtain original TEC Files"
    Hint: Click Plot twice to enlarge